Wednesday, March 28, 2012


If you were given, in the pre-earth life, the choice between having stronger potential with weaker execution or weaker potential with stronger execution, you might think the two choices would even out in the end. It doesn’t even out at all. Here’s a bit of advice way too late: Always choose execution. Always.

Had I publicized this blog at all so that anyone at all were actually reading this, they might have read the first two or three entries and thought, “Oh this could be good. This fellow is beginning an interesting journey. Perhaps not one I would choose, but it will be neat to watch this story unfold.” At this point in the blog, however, they would more likely be saying something along the lines of, “This guy’s all talk.”

I’m haunted – HAUNTED by something my Mission President told me during my exit interview. He went through all the standard stuff he asks everyone, all the things he had pre-written, then he closed his book and looked me in the eye and said, “Now, let me tell you something I’ve learned about Elder Barlow: He takes too long to reach his potential.” I mean that’s exactly what he said; I remember it with perfect clarity 20 years later.

And 20 years later, it’s still true. I have a very modest level of spirituality I set as a goal years ago, and I’m nowhere on achieving it. I mean simple stuff: read scriptures, say prayers, family home evening, magnify your calling, and I’m doing none of it. That’s one area of my life. Other areas are similar, but let’s not beat the point into the ground.

Now look at my bishop. We are about the same age, our interests are much the same, but he is much more my hero than my peer, and it’s all about execution. It’s not because he’s an amazing bishop. Well, partially it is, but only in that he is able to be an amazing bishop while being an amazing writer, an amazing performer, a strong provider and head of an amazing family, part of a network of amazing people he calls friends, and a number of other things. Our intentions are practically the same – I want to be those very same things, but he follows through.

I don’t know what makes the difference for him. For me, I think the difference would be those little 5-hour energy bottles. It would be good to get a hold of some testosterone shots, too. Maybe some niacin and vitamin C supplements – that would make all the difference in the world. That would solve everything. Just kidding, I don’t believe any of that. I don’t know where to get it. I don’t know.

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